SUCCESS the right way!
We could talk hours and hours about what you should, could and must write into your awesome emails before you hit send.
The art of mail marketing is not in just sending mails, but in developing good mails. The challenge is less a technical one and more one of content.
It all comes down to answering these three questions:
– Why should they care?
– How can you prove it?
– Why now?
It’s a simple checklist to see if your copywriting addresses all that’s needed.
When designing your emails, focus on your message and keep your design straightforward.
Also check if you’ve got all the details: Subject line, Preheader text, Footer, Sender address, Unsubscribe link, Social Icons, Headlines, Images, Personalization, Dynamic content and only ONE Call To Action button.
Last but not least, choose the right segment and the right timing.
Read part 1 HERE – Your ecommerce email marketing goals
Read part 2 HERE – The most important metric for growth