Let’s talk about honesty
You’ve run your online store for a while, sales volume goes up and up…
You start every day with the best intentions but at the end of the day you’re frustrated, feeling overwhelmed and you’re missing opportunities because you’re constantly putting out fires and not achieving your goals.
Sounds familiar?
Being involved in every process in your business, sometimes can feel like you’re just repairing broken stuff and fixing things up.
That’s the simple truth for a lot of ecommerce business owners when they, sooner or later, hit a growth plateau.
Now, guesswork is not the way to solve your issues. You’ll have to analyze.
And analyzing starts with being honest first.
When you have the courage to be really honest with yourself AND your business it doesn’t just serve you. It serves your audience because you are able to show up in greatest service and give them the BEST experience they can get.
Looking at your problems from different perspectives helps you see the opportunities and everything gets a lot easier.
But let’s talk about being honest first.
I believe that HONESTY is the soul of your business and your key to success.
1) It’s keeping your word, delivering on your promises.
2) It’s about taking responsibility for the actions you take, the words you say.
3) ti’s about staying focussed on what’s true to you.
4) And it’s about making decisions even if there will be consequences.
So, if you’re feeling overwhelmed at this point, because you have too many commitments, too much responsibility, not enjoying every task you do, maybe even feeling out of control on what to do next, it’s time to get honest with yourself first.
Here’s my story about honesty.
You’ve probably heard of the quote by Oscar Wilde: “Be yourself, everyone is already taken.”
Now that’s some rockstar advice, right?
The complication with this statement? A lot of us are still concerned about what other people think.
And so was I.
For so many years I wasn’t honest to myself. I didn’t speak my truth because I had so much fear of being judged.
Simply because my brain works in a special kind of way. Imagine it like a giant chessboard and therefore I see the world differently than most people do.
I’ve got a matrix mindset.
Only 0.8% of women worldwide think like me. Men only about 1%.
Matrix Thinkers are visionary problem-solvers. Famous Matrix Thinkers include Albert Einstein, Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg and Steve Jobs. All innovators who changed history.
We’re thinkers.
We’re always busy thinking.
We think 1000x harder than most people do about problems of humankind and how making this world a better place.
Our brains allow us to see connections between seemingly divergent aspects of life and in business. We can solve the most complex problems in creative ways hardly anybody can. We’re concerned about delivering solutions that work, that give measurable results.
Giving my opinion, a brilliant idea, a solution on how to solve a problem to people, who were just not ready to hear it, confirmed my thoughts.
My special way of thinking just didn’t fit into this society.
As a child I just didn’t realize that most people don’t want to solve their problems.
So I spent a lot of my life feeling like an outsider. I became quiet, mainstream, a people pleaser, trying to be like everyone else, and for sure keeping my powerful thoughts to myself.
But not being honest with myself, not speaking my truth, was like giving away my authentic power and it drained me physically and emotionally. I found myself day in day out locked in a cave, stuck in the middle of nowhere.
It became an isolating experience… being afraid of what others will think or might criticize.
There was only one way out… being totally honest with myself.
This is what I learned…
1) Being honest with myself brought relief and required less energy.
3) Being honest with myself made me stronger.
When I value and respect my own thoughts and feelings, others will too.
As I began to apply my unique gift to my work, I realized that my way of matrix thinking and the ability of cutting straight to the source of an issue very quickly… combined with my problem solving performance is very appealing to many people. People even pay more for speed and rapid results.
I love solving problems because it just comes naturally to me. And my matrix brain has the ability to not only see multiple perspectives but also understand the scenarios better. I just know if a solution will work or if it doesn’t.
So… I put all this together, and that’s how the 3F Method was born. This is a concise framework that really simplifies your business. Using this methodology, I help you see what’s possible for you in ways you cannot see on your own.
When you use this, you’re able to get really clear about the next steps to take and accomplish the unexpected.
Sounds good?
So if you’re ready to finally cut through the clutter and want to go from directionless and confused to clarity when it comes to growing your ecommerce biz, allow me to introduce you to the 3F-Method.
The Find, Fix, Focus Method is about getting clear solutions with easy steps to make massive progress, with a personal approach that leaves enough space for your creativity.
It’s for creative heart-centered ecommerce entrepreneurs who genuinely CARE about the people they help.
This is for you if you’ve already built up an audience who is listening to what you have to say AND is already buying your products.
You’ve most likely already hit a place in your business where $25-$50K a month is about average. So this really ISN’T for the newbie who hasn’t built an audience. It’s not for someone who is just starting out with an online store. And it’s not for someone who is not willing to take action, to actually do the work or is giving up easily in difficult situations.
Because really growing your ecommerce biz goes so much deeper than just making money.
Maybe you have a clear picture of how you want your business to look like at the end of next year, but knowing how to get there when you’re already buried under so many ToDo’s is an entirely different thing.
Or maybe you’ve just realized that knowing when, how and what to optimize in your online store, your sales funnel, your product line, maximizing customer lifetime value, retaining customers… can be pretty overwhelming at some point.
If that’s you… the 3F-Method can help you understand WHAT is out of alignment, and HOW to fix it.
Generally speaking, the 3F-Method works like this. There are only 3 questions to ask:
1. Find – What are your biggest opportunities?
2. Find – What are your biggest problems?
3. Focus – What are the best solutions to focus on?
The 3F-Method is a super simple approach to make massive progress but most of all it will give you PEACE of mind.
If you’re ready to grow your business that’s built around your favorite customers who you love serving… there are two ways to work with me.
1) You want expert help in a real short timeframe, getting insanely clear on your next steps and uncover your biggest opportunities for business growth right in front of you, simply fill out the form for the Clarity & Strategy Intensive. It’s powerful, no fluff-stuff, just rapid results.
2) You want expert help to guide you through the next stages for business growth with actionable steps and an accountability partner on your side? We’ll take the shortcuts and quantum leaps together and I’ll put you on the path of leading your industry with your message the world needs to hear. If that’s you, learn more about my program.