The old school ecommerce coaching bullsh*t approach. Scroll down your facebook timeline and read… Day in day out the ecommerce coaching industry is telling you on how to make more money. – 113 best ideas to make extra money in…
The 3F-Method for ecommerce growth
Let’s talk about honesty You’ve run your online store for a while, sales volume goes up and up… You start every day with the best intentions but at the end of the day you’re frustrated, feeling overwhelmed and you’re…
How to fall in LOVE with your email marketing
How to fall in LOVE with your email marketing. Let me explain how I do email marketing with my clients… it goes like this… We choose the topic for the campaign. We discuss the details. I…
How to improve your focus (I)
There must be some reason why some ecommerce entrepreneurs outperform others. Said in another way… “If two equally skilled ecommerce entrepreneurs compete, why does one get to go home a winner and the other a loser?” The answer is simple.…
When numbers, metrics and data make you cry in the shower…
When numbers, metrics and data make you cry in the shower… I know what you’re thinking… Uh-oh, not again this numbers topic. Numbers are boring right? Let me tell you something… Not only creative entrepreneurs, but many people panic when…
The power of focus
Growing your e-commerce biz One of the hardest parts of growing your e-commerce biz is focus. But it’s not as hard as most people think. It just feels that way because most of the advice out there is dead wrong.…
Powerfull Thoughts
When it feels like you’re stuck in the middle of nowhere For years, i struggled and struggled… trying to figure out what made me different. But that wasn’t the worst part… How could i harness my own authenticity, when i…
The secret of individual solutions
The secret of individual solutions A while ago i went to dog school. They have high skilled trainers teaching practical methods in small groups to get the best out of your life with your little dog… promising rewarding results. Sounds…
Back-In-Stock E-Mails
Du hast eine genaue Vorstellung von dem Produkt welches du kaufen willst… das absolut begehrte Lieblingsteil. Und dann ist genau dieses Produkt im Onlineshop nicht mehr verfügbar. Ausverkauft. Ärgerlich für den Kunden aber auch für Shopbetreiber. Viele potenziellen Kunden verlassen…
Die 3 größten Fehler im E-Mail Marketing
Die 3 größten Fehler im E-Mail Marketing… oder warum dein Onlineshop nicht 29.8% (oder mehr) deines Umsatzes durch E-Mail Marketing erzielt Du hast es wahrscheinlich schon unzählige Male gehört… und jeder sagt dir das Gleiche. Du brauchst auf jeden Fall…