Ever tried to move your ecommerce business forward with a ToDo List
Successful people don’t use ToDo lists, because they simply don’t work.
Here’s why…
A ToDo list doesn’t have any priorities because it doesn’t differentiate between urgent and important.
A ToDo list lacks context. All tasks on your list look pretty much the same on paper and they don’t provide sufficient context to help you determine what you should work on.
A ToDo list keeps you busy instead of being efficient and productive. You’re simply loading your list with too many items. Here’s a great quote from Peter Drucker that describes it best “There is nothing so useless as doing efficiently that which should not be done at all.”
A ToDo list doesn’t manage your time. It doesn’t have any buffer room for interruptions (aka the shit that comes up on a daily basis). You simply don’t know where your time goes.
A ToDo list isn’t focussed on results. To move your biz forward, it’s not about the effort but on getting results.
So, here’s my advice for you… ditch your ToDo lists. They’re for dreamers.
Successful people plan their Perfect Week with a strategy because your business growth is directly related to outcomes and your efficiency.
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